Tuesday, June 26, 2018

“火焰醉鱼”这一定是我近几年来吃过最好吃的鱼! 没有之一!

“火焰醉鱼”这一定是我近几年来吃过最好吃的鱼! 没有之一!

This is definitely the best fish I've eaten in recent years! No one!

这一定是我近几年来吃过最好吃的鱼 !
没有之一 !!

This must be the best fish I have eaten in recent years!
none of them ! !
--- "Flame drunk fish" “Huǒyàn zuì yú”

I ate two fish that had been drunk and dried up.
Drink two glasses of freshly-brewed raspberry wine...

Monday, June 25, 2018


Solid pea meal, cool and cool for a whole summer

Pea and yellow...

Every year at this time, new beans are used.

Take a solid meal of pea jelly!

The love of my old lady